Use the Solidaire portal to access union information and services with one click.
Manage per capita contributions (declarations, payments, history).
Generate administrative documents (new memberships, Opti-payables claims) from the CSN’s records.
View and edit your union’s information (contacts, members).
This powerful online tool for union treasurers facilitates the calculation and payment of the per capita.
The pilot phase will include over 30 unions and will run from December 2023 until August 2024.
You can register now by writing to:
Planned full go-live date: September 2024
All union accounting secretaries have received training on the per capita service and instructional videos are also available (see the Resources section). If further assistance is required, please contact the audit team at the CSN Finance Department.
CSN finance : 514-598-2285 or
Project management : Marc Gagnon
These videos are available in French only at the moment.
These videos are available in French only at the moment.
The Documents section facilitates unions’ management processes by providing access to reports generated by CSN systems.
Other reports may be added in the future.
Registration is underway. You can register now by writing to:
Planned full go-live date: September 2024
For support, the union should contact the Organizing Department for membership card reports and the Finance Department for the Opti-payables report, after viewing the videos (see Resources below).
Membership card report -> Organizing Department:: 1-800-947-6177 or
Opti-payables report -> Finance Department: 514-598-2285 or
Project management: Marc Gagnon
These videos are available in French only at the moment.
These videos are available in French only at the moment.
The Union Info section replaces the manual updating of union records. You can view your union’s file and enter changes, which will be vetted by your Federation’s office staff.
You can also find contact info for the advisors and staff assigned to supporting your union.
This project will enter the pilot phase in March 2024. You can register now by writing at this address:
If, after watching the videos, you require assistance, please contact your union advisor or office employee.
Project management: Marc Gagnon
These videos are available in French only at the moment.
Fondée en 1921, la CSN est une organisation syndicale qui œuvre pour une société solidaire, démocratique, juste, équitable et durable.
Elle est composée de près de 1 600 syndicats et regroupe plus de 330 000 travailleuses et travailleurs réunis sur une base sectorielle ou professionnelle dans huit fédérations, ainsi que sur une base régionale dans treize conseils centraux, principalement sur le territoire du Québec, mais également sur l’ensemble du territoire canadien.