Democratic Structures

The executive committee of the CSN

Between congresses, the Executive Committee assumes the direction of the Confederation and sees to applying the mandates voted upon by the union’s governing bodies: the Congress, the Confederal Council, and the Confederal Board. The Executive Committee is composed of six positions: the president, the general secretary, the treasurer, and three vice-presidents.

Members of the CSN’s Executive Committee have different responsibilities as defined in the articles and by-laws, and share the mandates decided by the governing bodies. They are responsible for the CSN’s smooth operations, particularly its finances, various governing bodies, staff, and union services.

Katia Lelièvre

Third Vice-President

Katia Lelièvre began her activism at the Maison de la Famille, a community organization on the verge of closing its doors. Together, Katia and other women at the organization succeeded in maintaining the organization’s services and obtaining adequate premises as well as recurrent grant funding.

Until recently, Katia served as President of SAQ-CSN’s Union of Store and Office Employees, of which she has been a member since 2001, as a salesperson and cashier at the crown corporation. She was actively involved in the 2005 SAQ strike, during which the SEMB-SAQ rejoined the CSN movement. She was elected Vice-President of the SEMB-SAQ in 2006, and President in 2008.

At the 66th CSN Convention in January 2021, Katia Lelièvre was elected to the position of Third Vice-President of the CSN Executive Committee.

Vice-President of the CSN since 2021.

Policy Officer for the Service d’appui aux mobilisations et à la vie régionale (SAMVR)


  • Education
  • Daycare
  • Union renewal school
  • Immigration
  • Regional development
  • Anti-discrimination 

Confederal committees: 

  • Youth
  • Intercultural relations
  • LGBT+

Union of Origin: Syndicat des employé-es de magasins et de bureaux de la SAQ–CSN
