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Persons Lacking Immigration Status

Toward a Truly Inclusive Regularization Program

(20 octobre 2022) We must support permanent immigration and fight the rampant casualization that we have been witnessing now for several years. This is a question of equality and of social justice, but it is also a matter of preserving the social gains fought for by multiple generations of workers. —Katia Lelièvre, 3rd Vice-President, Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) Lire la suite →
Centralisation et automatisation

La CSN refuse la vision « Amazon » de la SAQ

13 mai 2022
Gala des Patriotes virtuel 2021 Gérald Larose recevra le prix Chevalier-de-Lorimier 21 mai 2021


8 décembre 2021
Labour Pride
11 janvier 2021
2020-2023 Budget
1 janvier 2018
Rules of Order
1 juin 2017
2017-2020 Budget
1 juillet 2012
Acts for the future