Terrorist Attack in Québec City

The CSN calls on its members and the general population to stand united

The Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) is extremely shocked by the Islamophobic attack that took place yesterday at the Centre culturel islamique du Québec in Sainte-Foy, which claimed the lives of six people and injured eight others. The CSN offers its deepest condolences and stands in solidarity with the families and loved ones affected by this horrible act.

The increase in xenophobic incidents both in Québec and around the world must be categorically condemned. “Québec must work towards being a just, welcoming and inclusive society, open to the entire population,” said CSN President, Jacques Létourneau. Muslim Québeckers are an integral part of the social fabric of Québec, and we encourage the population to stand together with them to fight against the violence, hatred and terrorism that have struck today. Together, we need to take action and denounce racist acts and statements the moment they rear their ugly heads.

To demonstrate our solidarity, the CSN invites its members and the general population to participate in the vigils to be held today at the Église Notre-Dame-de-Foy in Québec City and at the Parc subway station in Montréal,  both starting at 6:00 p.m, and in other locations in Québec.

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