The CSN’s professional defence fund (FDP) is one of the many forms of union solidarity that characterizes the CSN.
Section 11 of the fund’s By-Laws states that: “an affiliated union is the sole authority that can decide, by way of a secret ballot vote, to call a strike.”
The weekly benefits paid by the FDP to the employees involved in a labour dispute are $215 after the second week of the dispute ($220 as of March 1, 2009, and $225 as of March 1, 2010).
Any union activist who is discharged or suspended due to their union activities is also entitled to receive benefits from the FDP, as of the 1st day of their disciplinary sanction.
The CSN professional defence fund also covers:
- costs arising from any legal proceedings taken against a member or an affiliated union;
- a special support payment to the Union involved in a dispute to help pay for strike-related expenses. The amount of this weekly support payment is proportional to the number of Union members:
- up to 25 members: $200;
- 26 to 50 members: $400;
- 51 to 250 members: $400 + $4
- per member for each member between the 51st and the 250th member;
- 251 to 500 members: $1,200 + $3
- per member for each member between the 251st and the 500th member;
- 501 members and more: $1,950 + $2 per additional member from the 501st.