It’s not too late to register!

There are only a few days left before the Convention. Online registration is now closed. 

To register, please contact us at 1-844-545-0662.

Registration Fee

The CSN Confederal Bureau has set the registration fee for the 67th Convention at $90 per delegate. This amount includes the general registration fee plus document costs. The fee must be paid for each official and fraternal delegate in order for them to be considered pre-registered: this will reduce wait times when arriving at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. Please send your cheque to the CSN’s Montreal office.

Registration Schedule during Convention

Monday, May 15, 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 16: 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m.*
Wednesday, May 17: 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 18: 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 19: 8 a.m.–noon

* Delegate registration closes on Tuesday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. As of Wednesday morning, anyone still wishing to attend the Convention may be registered as a guest.

Please arrive early on Monday. Attendance on the first day will be important.

Financial Support

To ensure the widest possible participation, the CSN may, in accordance with the policies adopted by our movement’s decision-making bodies and subject to certain rules, grant financial support to:

  • Unions affiliated since the 66th Convention
  • Unions affiliated since the last Convention that are currently on strike or locked out
  • Unions with 70 or fewer members

If your union is eligible, to apply financial support you must fill out an “Aide aux syndicats” form. Please complete the form and return it to To be reimbursed for their salaries, each delegate requesting assistance must attach to the application form a recent pay stub from an employer covered by your union certification, as well as your union’s approval of the union leave request to the employer.

Welcome Session

The CSN wants to make attending the Convention an enriching experience for its members. To that end, we encourage first-time delegates to register for the welcome session, which will familiarize them with the Convention’s content and procedures. The session will be held on Monday, May 15, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., at the Palais des congrès de Montréal.

Welcome session registration forms must be completed and submitted by May 10:

* All fields are mandatory.


ARTICLE 18 – COMPOSITION – CSN Constitution and By-laws

18.01 The CSN Convention is composed of delegates duly elected and accredited by:

a) each union;
b) each federation;
c) each central council.

18.02 Each union is entitled to one delegate, regardless of its membership. Once a union’s membership reaches 150 members, it is entitled to two delegates. It is entitled to one additional delegate for every 200 additional members.

18.03 Federations and central councils are entitled to three delegates each.

18.04 The six members of the CSN Executive Committee—the President, General Secretary, three Vice-Presidents and Treasurer—are entitled to attend the Convention with all the privileges of delegates, even if they are not delegates. They perform their respective duties there and are again eligible for a position on the Executive Committee, providing that they remain members of a union in good standing with the CSN in accordance with paragraph a) of Article 21.01 of the Constitution and By-laws. They are entitled to reimbursement by the CSN of expenses incurred to attend the Convention.


19.01 The General Secretary of the CSN decides, with the co-operation of the Treasurer, the number of delegates to which each union is entitled.

19.02 This number is based on the union’s average membership during the 12 months preceding the 120th day before the Convention.

19.03 In certain specific cases of unions that collect dues for fewer than 12 months in a year, the total amount of dues collected is divided by the number of months during which dues are collected by these unions.

19.04 In the case of unions that have been on strike for part or all of the 12-month period, the calculation is based on the total dues collected during the three-month period closest to the 120th day.

19.05 For purposes of representation at the Convention, the number of members in a union includes both members and employees who, though not members, pay a contribution equal to regular union dues under a union security system. However, no such employees are eligible to be delegates to the Convention.


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Aperçu de l'ordre du jour

Lundi 18 janvier
10 h à 12 h — Ouverture
14 h à 16 h — États financiers

Mardi 19 janvier
10 h à 12 h — Orientations du comité exécutif
14 h à 16 h — Vers le FDP du Centenaire

Mercredi 20 janvier
10 h à 12 h 30 — Mise en candidature et assemblée des candidates et des candidats
14 h à 16 h — Budget
16 h à 19 h — Élections au comité exécutif (vote)

Jeudi 21 janvier
10 h à 12 h — Résultats et installation

Pour l’ordre du jour complet, veuillez consulter le document Information disponible sur la page Documents.